Sunday 18 January 2015

Valentines Week 2015 Detailed Analysis

Posted by Health Is Wealth
Valentines day week 2015 dates list
The week of love that is Valentines week has arrived.Certainly one of the most awaited day for the lovers.Here is complete information about Valentines Week 2015.Do share it with your loved and dear ones.

Valentine Week 2015 List of Days

ROSE DAY:-Saturday, February 7, 2015-Red Rose is the symbol of love and Valentines week starts with the rose day.On this day lovers give Roses to each other.Sometimes everything starts with the giving of the Rose.

PROPOSE DAY :-Sunday, February 8, 2015-This is the best day to express your hidden crush on someone.Generally people propose or announce their love or propose marriage etc.People also prefer to give gifts with their proposal.

CHOCOLATE DAY :- Monday, February 9, 2015-Chocolates are favorites for almost all the girls,may be this is the reason why it is like a tradition.Also it is proved that chocolates enhances the sexual libido.So enjoy the special chocolates with your special someone.

TEDDY DAY :- Tuesday, February 10, 2015:- Yet another favorite of girls and women.I've not seen a single girl who do not like the soft toys especially the Teddy bears.So don't forget to give you special someone teddy on this day,and do share your experience.

PROMISE DAY:-Wednesday, February 11, 2015:-Life is full of hardship.So on this day people promise each other to be together forever and face all the difficulties and joy together throughout the life.

HUG DAY :-Thursday, February 12, 2015:-Hug is a way to share happiness love and affection.And this is exactly why this day is celebrated.Just hug your partner and let them know how much you love them in reality.

KISS DAY :- Friday, February 13, 2015:-Sixth and one of the most important day in the lovers life.Kiss your partner passionately and do remember to use mouth fresheners.

VALENTINES DAY :-Saturday, February 14, 2015:And at last the most import day that is the valentines day itself.Spend quality time with your love.Live the day to its full and make it one of the most memorable day of your life.


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